Olivia Barton - Eventing

Olivia Barton - Eventing

Age: 20 years
Location: Branxton, NSW

Can you describe your average day?
I am typically up before 7am to feed my horses before I start riding at 8am. I then ride, lunge and wash around 7-8 horses. The remainder of the day consists of cleaning tack, sweeping and any washing that needs to be done before feeding up in the evening.

How many horses do you have?
I have two of my own, and one owner's horse. We also have a number of young horses owned by my family that are not yet at competition level.

Which horse do you enjoy riding the most, and why?
I'm not sure that I have a favourite - although my 3*** horse APH Bertie Bad (aka "Bertie") and I have the longest partnership out of all of them. This means we know each other very well - sometimes too well, which makes him enjoyable to ride (most of the time!).

What is the best thing about your horses?
Definitely their personalities! It is what makes them unique.

What are your highest achievements and career highlights to date?
Being a part of the winning Young Rider team at the Oceana Championships and coming 5th individually. I am also proud of my 3rd placing in the CIC 3*** at the Melbourne International 3DE this year, and 2nd place in the CNC 3*** at Sydney International in April.

What keeps you motivated?
Definiately my love for the sport, and my horses.

Who has been the most influential person in your riding career?
I'm not sure I can pinpoint one person, but both Craig Barrett and my Mum have been incredibly influential.

What advice would you offer other riders?
Don't be disheartened by failure. Keep being positive, and success will follow.

What is the most used item in your tack room?
My dressage saddle.

Your ultimate goals?
To one day represent Australia at WEG or the Olympics.